Wednesday 22 February 2012


I have been making pancakes since yesterday since it was pancake day yesterday and my son cant have  enough of it.This is especially for him ,whenever he feels like eating mom's pancake and is old enough to cook, he can use this recipe.
self raising flour
milk-1 cup
oil/melted butter- 1tbsp
salt-a pinch
sugar- 2 tbsp
fruit yoghurt-3 small tub (petit filous need for vanilla extract)
1. Mix all the ingredients except flour well.
2. Now add self raising flour little by little till you get batter like consistency.
3. Pour a big spoon ful, spread and when you flip, simmer so that griddle is not too hot for next one.
4. My son loves it with maplesyrup and cream, you can choose your favourite topping

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