Sunday 11 March 2012

Baby corn starter

My sister asked for a recipe using baby corn ( or may be she was just trying out "comments" on paneer starter). I have spent my last 35 years pulling her leg but since she's having a baby in 2 days time , I shall be nice to her and post a very easy recipe, which will be cooked by her cook eventually. Anyways, I am predicting that its going to be a boy and she thinks its going to be a girl and usually I am always right.
Baby corn
Cumin seeds-1tsp
Spices- 1 tsp chilli powder, 1/4 tsp garam masala,salt
Coriander  leaves- for garnishing
1. In a wok, add oil then cumin seeds, when it splutters add the baby corn , saute for a min
2. Add the spices, mix well to coat and cook it cover for 6-8 min , stirring intermittently.
3. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve.
You can practically do this with any vegetable of your choice and this recipe preserves the flavour of each vegetable.
Good luck with the baby!

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