Wednesday 7 March 2012

Sun dried tomato sandwich

I do not get long lunch breaks and usually have it on the go . Sandwiches are the best on those occasions. I do not find sndwiches bought from cafe flavourful enough and prefer something gourmet, after all we deserve it, don't we? The recipe below should make filling for atleast one sandwich.
Multigrain or any bread slices
sundried tomatoes (in oil)-4 or 5 drained and chopped
Philadelphia cheese- 1 tbsp
Basil leaves-4or5 chopped( u can use dried too!)
pecans/walnuts-4 or 5, chopped (for crunch)
Jalapenos/cracked pepper-optional, for spicier taste
1. Mix sundried tomatoes and basil with philly cheese. Can add little olive oil to get the spreadable consistency .
2. Fold in the nuts. Spread it on the slice of bread and look forward to lunch time.

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