Sunday 4 March 2012

Zucchini sandwich

I usually like zucchini in couscous ,pizza or pasta. This time I wanted to try it on sandwich so that I can take it as a packed lunch, which will actually make me look forward to lunch break and finish my job quickly. I have added ingredients of my choice and availability .
Ciabatta bread-1
Zucchini -sliced length wise
Aubergine sliced or roasted peppers
Sun dried tomatoes in oil- drained
 Philadelphia cheese or mozzarella or goats cheese
Balsamic vinegar with 1 tsp brown sugar
Fresh or dried basil leaves

1. Slice the zucchini and aubergine and drizzle balsamic vinegerette and olive oil. Sprinkle little salt and pepper and grill them on both sides
2. Slice the ciabatta ,spread the cheese and top it with zucchini then basil leaves.
3, Top it with grilled aubergine or roasted pepper and then sundried tomatoes ,drained.
4. If you like you can smear green pesto too.

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