Thursday 1 November 2012

Pumpkin skin chutney

I had saved this recipe many years ago in my folder and when I had pumpkin skin leftover after making Pumpkin nut cake , I decided to give it a go although I waas quite sceptical about the outcome. I did not want to spend too much effort or ingredients but it turned out great especially with idly-dosas.
Pumpkin skin- grated , 1 cup (I had pressure cooked chunks of pumpkin for 1 whistle and then peeled the skin and did not grate it to save effort!)
Chana dal-1.5tsp
Coriander seeds- half tsp
Cumin seeds-half tsp
Whole red chillis-3
Dessicated coconut-4 tbsp
Asafoetida/Hing-1/4 tsp
Tamarind- small piece
Jaggery- small piece
1. Roast the pumpkin skin in 1 tsp oil till it turns slightly brownish . Keep it aside.
2.In a shallow fring pan, add 1 tsp oil and add hing, chana dal, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, whole red chillis and dessicated coconut and fry till it turns light brown. Lastly add the tamarind and jaggery and turn it off. Let it cool.
3.Grind both the roastd ingredients together into a fine paste adding salt to taste.
Serve it as a side to any breakfast or rice.

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