Friday, 9 November 2012

Tava masala vegetables

Stuti very generously gave me a packet of tava fry masala and since then I have been experimentng wth it. I have made Paneer tava masala and Tava aloo baingan with it and it has made my lfe so easy especially when you need to eat somethng tasty  in a jffy like on weekdays. Now I have stocked up my pantry wth tava fry masala. I personally feel softer veggies like okra, brinjal, zucchini, tindora etc taste better with it .

Vegetables- okra, brinjal, tindora, onion, potato, zucchini etc.
Tava fry masal-4 tbsp ( or acc to taste)
Olive oil-3-4 tbsp

1. Cut the vegetable lengthwise n similar shape.
2. Combine olive oil, tava fry masala and salt in a small bowl and pour it over the veggies. Mix it to coat well.
3. In a preheated oven at 200C, oven cook for 40 min. If you like it crispy then broil it for 5-10 minutes after a quick stir.
This can be a great side for vegetarians at the next BBQ.

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